
Women’s Health Month Vision Success Stories

Meet Ana!

This program [NACDD] has really helped me and my husband a lot. I really liked how it was run from the vision screening/questionnaire and application process to help finding an eye doctor and making an appointment. Last week both myself and my husband received a new pair of glasses and now I see perfectly. This has helped me so much and I didn’t know how badly I needed them. My eyes used to tear all day long and now they don’t. My life really is better. Before it was difficult for me to read, use my cell phone, watch TV and now I can do all of that without a second thought. My life has really improved very much. Thank you!” – Ana  

Meet Shelly! 

After four months of working with Medicaid and eye doctor clinics throughout the Greater Milwaukee Area, one of our clients, Shelly Cameron, was finally able to make an appointment to get fitted for scleral contact lenses through Medicaid. Last March, Shelly was diagnosed with keratoconus, a condition that affects the cornea of the eye. She was told multiple times by clinics that her insurance did not cover this medical condition, and, because she was on Medicaid, they could not see and treat her. Shelly and her mom called PBW in June at a loss about what to do to treat her diagnosed condition. The PBW team and her HMO advocate helped Shelly better understand her coverage options under Medicaid and found that this condition was, in fact, a covered benefit for her. What would have been a $1,500 out-of-pocket cost for the client resulted in a covered service at no cost.   

Shelly had this to say, “I just kept hearing ‘no.’ I get frustrated easily, and I was really close to just wanting to sit down and let it all go down the drain. But I had to tell myself to keep going with you guys. You were there for me. I didn’t know how to get from point A to point B and you helped me. I wouldn’t have been able to make this journey on my own. My eyes have worsened, and I am just excited to be able to see again. Things are going to start looking up for me now. There is a pot of gold at the end of this rainbow for me.” -Shelly  


Shelly has faced many barriers throughout her life, but, because she and her mom stuck with PBW throughout this lengthy process, this barrier was overcome. Sarah Cameron, Shelly’s mom, shared, “Never in all my life have a I seen someone and an organization work so hard for the well-being of my daughter. I’ve told so many people the impact you have had on my daughter’s life. Never in my life has she been treated this well regarding her care. I thank God for you and this agency.” –Sarah, Shelly’s mom 


To support our adult vision health programs and many more clients like Shelly, please click here to make your gift today.  

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