
Fy-Eye March 2018


PBWI small FY-Eye: March 2018

Satisloh Vision Screens 1,000th Student

Many thanks to our corporate partner, Satisloh North America, for vision screening 287 students in Germantown and Menomonee Falls last month. Satisloh, a global leader in ophthalmic and precision optics manufacturing equipment and located in Germantown, has partnered with Prevent Blindness Wisconsin to save sight since 2016. On February 22, nine Satisloh associates generously volunteered their time to provide free vision screenings for students at Bethlehem Lutheran School’s two campuses. These vision screenings mark the 1,000th child screened through the partnership.


Thank you, Satisloh, for helping to save sight in your own community! 

Saisloh 2- edit


Satisloh 3


 Find more pictures on our Facebook!

Is your company interested in volunteering with Prevent Blindness Wisconsin? Contact Hannah Offermann to learn more. 

Success Story Spotlight: Sawyer



4-year-old Sawyer has always had seasonal allergies. Because of this, his parents didn’t suspect a vision problem when he would cover or rub his eye when watching TV. It wasn’t until after a vision screening by the Cleghorn Lions Club that they discovered he wasn’t seeing well out of his left eye! After not passing the vision screening, Sawyer was referred to the eye doctor for a complete eye exam. Sawyer now wears his glasses daily and asks for them right when he wakes up. Sawyer’s family is especially thankful that the vision problem didn’t go undetected any longer. With his new glasses, Sawyer is on the path to a lifetime of healthy vision. 


If you know of other families with stories to share, please see our Success Story Questionnaire! As a thank you for their story and a picture, Prevent Blindness Wisconsin will provide the family with a free vision-related book.  


Upcoming Volunteer Trainings

Looking for volunteer opportunities in Racine County? Become a volunteer vision screener and provide free vision screenings to children at preschools, child care centers, and Racine Unified School District elementary schools! Details for our upcoming Community Volunteer Vision Screener Training can be found below: 


Tuesday, March 27, 2018

9:30am – Noon

Racine County Vision Screener Training for Community Volunteers

Gateway Technical College – Racine Campus

1001 S. Main Street – Room 206

Racine, WI 53403

Click here to register

Contact Sarah Campbell with questions. 


We are cheering the Lions on in their Centennial Vision Screening Challenge. Lions across the state have a goal of performing 100,000 children’s vision screenings in celebration of 100 years of Lions International community service. So far, the Wisconsin Lions have reported over 80,000 vision screenings! Thank you for all of your dedication and hard work! As a reminder, please submit your vision screening numbers to your district vision screening chair shortly after screening. Click here for the Lion’s vision screening reporting form.

A vision screening does not end in a simple pass or referral. We want to make sure that referred children get the care they need! Please consider asking the site contact if he/she is in need of help throughout the follow-up process to get the children to care.

Upcoming Lions Vision Screening Trainings

Friday, April 13, 2018

27-C2 Lions District Convention

Certified Children’s Vision Screener + SPOT Training

Time: TBD

Certified Adult Vision Screener Training

Time: TBD

Lake of the Torches Resort

510 Old Abe Road

Lac Du Flambeau, WI 54538

Registration Link Coming Soon

Nursing Student Trainings

Screening 1


Screening 3 DG

Prevent Blindness Wisconsin has trained over 300 nursing students to be either Certified Children’s Vision Screeners or Certified Adult Vision Screeners.  These students practice their skills by providing vision screenings for their community during their clinical experience.  If you’d like to offer this program at your nursing or medical assistant program, please contact Shelby LaTona


Thank you to everyone who has already shared numbers with us from vision screenings held this fall. We love celebrating all of the great work that you are doing to support children’s healthy vision in Wisconsin. If you still need to report vision screening numbers from this fall, please see the Annual Statistical Request Form. Please note that all vision screening numbers from this school year are due by March 23, 2018.  Keep an eye out for a letter and email from Valerie with updates regarding education and follow-up resources!

Upcoming Certified Vision Screener Trainings

Thursday, April 5, 2018

9:00 am – 11:30 am

Calumet County Courthouse

206 Court Street

Chilton, WI 53014

Register Now

Thursday, April 12, 2018

9:00 am – 12:00 pm

CESA 12 Early Childhood

618 Beaser Avenue

Ashland, WI 54806

Register Now

Prevent Blindness Wisconsin offers training and certification for $35 per person with a minimum of 10 people present. Contact Valerie Grimm to set up a training near you. 

Adult Vision Health

In February, Prevent Blindness Wisconsin delivered a Healthy Eyes public education presentation in the Eau Claire region. Healthy Eyes is funded through Regeneron and educates health care professionals who work with adults every day on the importance of vision health. Home care nurses at Chippewa County Public Health Department learned about common adult vision problems, risk factors and preventive techniques, treatment options, and resources to vision care. Additionally, the home care nurses became Certified Adult Vision Screeners. They now can provide Certified Adult Vision Screenings to their patients and help get them appropriate vision care.


 Chippewa 1       Chippewa 2  

We are looking forward to presenting Healthy Eyes to the Aging and Disability Resource Center in Brown County in March. We are so fortunate to be working with individuals who are as passionate and supportive about adult vision health as we are.


 Adult Screening 1      Adult Screening 2
 Milwaukee Christian Center Vision Screening

Thank you to UW-Milwaukee students who have volunteered their time to help vision screen at two adult vision screenings this year; the Milwaukee Christian Center and the Milwaukee Veteran’s Stand Down. These vision screenings increased awareness of vision health and helped at-risk Milwaukee adults get the vision care they deserve and need.


Interested in becoming an adult vision screener? Email Courtney Murphy for more details.



A Glimpse Into The Myopic World 

Myopia (nearsightedness) is steadily increasing around the world. By 2050, half of the world population will have myopia. This is especially worrisome among children, who are experiencing myopic vision concerns at young ages affecting how they see and learn in the classroom. Click this link to learn more about myopia and your child’s vision health. 

Clear Vision




    Clear Vision       Vision with Myopia 


Your support allows us to carry out our vision for each Wisconsin resident to have healthy vision at every stage of life.

Thank you!



Email pictures

Upcoming Events

Annual Meeting of the Board

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Italian Community Center

Swing for Sight Golf Outing

Monday, June 4, 2018

Ozaukee Country Club

Reserve your foursome today!

Sponsorship Opportunities Available!

For more information contact Julie Cordero.

Tee sponsorship image


Upcoming Trainings


Lions Convention

Nurses & Lions



About Us

Founded in 1958, Prevent Blindness Wisconsin improves the lives of children, adults, and families through early detection of eye conditions to prevent blindness and preserve sight. On-going vision screening activities and state-wide public health education lead to a lifetime of healthy vision.




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