![]() FY-Eye: August 2020 |
Children’s Vision Health Program Each year, children begin their educational careers and need our support to ensure they have healthy vision to build a strong educational foundation for lifelong success. The Children’s Vision Health Program improves children’s access to vision care, makes healthy vision a priority in communities across Wisconsin, and improves the lives of children and families. Statistics show 1 in 20 preschool-aged children and 1 in 4 school-aged children has a vision problem. Children who struggle to see often struggle to learn because 80% of most children’s learning happens visually. Fortunately, the majority of children’s vision problems are highly treatable, especially if these problems are caught and treated early. For many children with a vision problem, treatment is as simple as a pair of prescription glasses and has an incredible impact on their success in the classroom and beyond. Research has shown that just six weeks of vision correction can improve a child’s standardized test scores to match the scores of their peers who do not have vision problems.
In the 2019-2020 fiscal year, program partners, certified and supported by Prevent Blindness Wisconsin, reported providing free certified vision screenings for 165,199 children in Wisconsin. Of those children screened, 19,059 were referred for further vision care. Our work is largely possible thanks to committed program partners who allow our staff of only 9 to serve the entire state. Prevent Blindness Wisconsin trained and certified 1,304 partners and volunteers as children’s vision screeners in 90 training sessions. Participants learned evidence-based and scientifically-validated vision screening protocol, common vision problems in children and their symptoms, referral criteria, Prevent Blindness Wisconsin’s recommended follow-up process, vision care resources available, and more.
To empower children to advocate for their vision health, Prevent Blindness Wisconsin provided vision health education directly to children in our community and equipped partners to provide on-site vision health education to the children they serve.
• Parent and caregiver engagement is an essential component of our children’s vision health programs to both raise awareness of the importance of vision and regular vision care and ensure children receive vision care after a vision screening referral. Prevent Blindness Wisconsin provided many engagement opportunities through our vision health education programming and targeted some of our most vulnerable populations served to improve access to vision care. In order to educate parents on common eye problems, how to care for and protect a child’s sight, and perform basic eye first aid, Prevent Blindness Wisconsin presented Vision Health and Safety to over 100 parents at the Racine Unified School District Parent-Child Oriented Classroom.
• Prevent Blindness Wisconsin focused on developing new partnerships to facilitate program delivery, expand our reach, and improve our services to better meet the needs of Wisconsin’s children and families. To improve access to vision care for at-risk populations, Prevent Blindness Wisconsin formed new partnerships with the Angel of Hope Clinic and the Open Arms Free Clinic to incorporate our vision care voucher programs into their existing health services. Parents of home-schooled children who do not receive our services through traditional delivery methods were reached through a partnership with Home Instructions for Parents of Preschool Youngsters (HIPPY) and Prevent Blindness Wisconsin provided vision health education and vision screenings at their home-school resource fair. Prevent Blindness Wisconsin exhibited at the Urban School Professional Network Resource Fair for school counselors, social workers, and psychologists working in non-MPS public, private, parochial, and charter schools in the greater Milwaukee area and used this opportunity to form partnerships with three additional private schools.
Prevent Blindness Wisconsin would like to introduce our 2020 Preschool Vision Screening Ambassador Noelle Cerveny. Noelle is a happy and fun-loving 5-year-old who always thinks of others. Noelle had never exhibited any signs of a vision problem or said she was struggling to see until her mom mentioned Noelle’s upcoming preschool vision screening by Prevent Blindness Wisconsin community volunteers at her Lake Country preschool. That is when Noelle first told her mom that she “couldn’t see.” Indeed, Noelle did not pass her certified vision screening, and she was referred for a complete eye exam. Noelle’s mom, Holly, took her to the eye doctor where she was diagnosed with amblyopia (lazy eye) and hyperopia (farsightedness) and prescribed glasses. Noelle’s diagnosis came as a shock to Noelle’s parents. Holly relates, “I never thought my daughter had vision problems because she never mentioned anything previously, and we didn’t notice that she had any trouble seeing. I didn’t need glasses until adulthood.” Fortunately, Holly is happy to report, “Noelle likes her glasses. They took a little getting used to. She wears them well and takes responsibility for putting them on each day in order to see better.” Prevent Blindness Wisconsin is grateful for the continued support of our partners, volunteers, and friends throughout the state who help ensure children like Noelle can access the vision care they need to set them on a path for a lifetime of healthy vision.
August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Awareness Month! ABC’s of Vision Health A: Appearance: the look of the child’s eyes.
Web-Based Vision Screener Training |
Vision Care Resource – LensCrafters Care’s Program LensCrafters Cares is an 8 week long collaboration between OneSight and LensCrafters to support communities during recovery from the Covid19 Pandemic by providing eye exams and glasses for our communities experiencing financial hardship. Qualifying patients can receive glasses at any LensCrafters store during the 8 week program. Some locations are also providing eye exams. Appointments must be scheduled in advance. Program Criteria: To see if you qualify for the program follow the link below and fill out the application. An email address is required to apply for the program. If you do not have an email our office can help with the application process. For help finding a location or for more information, please contact our office at 414-765-0505. |
Swing for Sight Golf Outing – Monday, August 31 Last chance to join us for the Swing for Sight Golf Outing on Monday, August 31, 2020! Confirm your foursome by August 21 by contacting Bridget at [email protected] or on theevent website. We are excited to be able to hold our only in-person event and are incorporating many safety precautions, working closely with the Ozaukee Country Club and the Washington Ozaukee Public Health Department to ensure a fun and safe event. Can’t join us on the 31st? Showcase your support of healthy vision by joining our partners in sponsoring a tee and/or green. Tee sponsorships start at $300. Easily purchase your sponsorship on the event website or contact Rebecca at [email protected] to confirm your sponsorship.
Ellie’s Walk – Saturday, September 19
Support Prevent Blindness Wisconsin VIRTUALLY on Saturday, September 19 for Ellie’s Walk benefiting children’s healthy vision. This peer-to-peer fundraising event encourages you, your family, and friends to get outside and support our statewide sight-saving services. Participating is easy and FREE! https://preventblindness.donordrive.com/event/ellieswalk 1. Register yourself and start or join a team. (*Register as a Virtual Participant & T-shirt to receive an event t-shirt for $15) Join us on Saturday, September 19 at 10 AM on Facebook and YouTube to see how your support impacts children and adults throughout the state by helping them receive the vision care they need and deserve for school success and for a lifetime! Visit our event website for more information or to make a donation. Sponsorship opportunities are available! See our full sponsorship menu here. To confirm your sponsorship or for additional information please contact Bridget at[email protected]. |
Celebrity Waiters Dinner – Wednesday, October 14 We are bringing the Celebrity Waiters Dinner to YOU! Join us VIRTUALLY for the 40th Annual Celebrity Waiters Dinner – A Night In on Wednesday, October 14. View the live one-hour long broadcast from wherever you are and participate in the silent auction, live auction, paddle raise and more! You won’t want to miss this unique event! |
Grants Galore! Prevent Blindness Wisconsin is proud and honored to announce it has been awarded grants from the Catholic Community Foundation, the Eau Claire Community Foundation, and the Evan & Marion Helfaer Foundation to support our sight-saving services. Thank you Catholic Community Foundation for supporting the Star Pupils – Milwaukee Catholic program which brings the future into focus for children in Milwaukee Archdiocese Schools each year. Through vision screening, training and certification, vision health education, resources, and ongoing support, Star Pupils – Milwaukee Catholic improves children’s access to vision care and makes healthy vision a priority in communities in the Greater Milwaukee Area. Thank you Eau Claire Community Foundation for supporting the Children’s Vision Screening Program – Eau Claire County, which brings the future into focus for more than 4,000 Eau Claire County children each year, through certified vision screening, referral, follow-up support, vision health education, improved access to vision care, and more. Thank you Evan & Marion Helfaer Foundation for supporting the Children’s Vision Screening Program which provides preventative vision health services to more than 260,000 children across the state and ensures children have healthy vision to build a strong educational foundation for lifelong success. Prevent Blindness Wisconsin’s sight-saving programs would not be possible without the generous support of local funders. Thank you again for helping make healthy vision possible for children across Wisconsin. |
Prevent Blindness Wisconsin Apparel ‘You can’t learn if you can’t see the board’ tshirts, long sleeves, and bags are in stock with our new logo! Youth, ladies, and unisex sizes are available. Order yours today! Proceeds benefit our state-wide sight saving services. Co-branding opportunities are now available. Learn how you can personalize your order with your school, club, or company’s logo by contacting [email protected]. (Minimum order of 12 is required).
Our Mission: Founded in 1958, Prevent Blindness Wisconsin improves the lives of children, adults and families through early detection of eye conditions to prevent blindness and preserve sight. On-going vision screening activities and state-wide public health education lead to a lifetime of healthy vision. Our Vision: Our vision is for each Wisconsin resident to have healthy vision at every stage of life.

- UW-Parkside Capstone Partnership
- PBW in the News
- FY-Eye: November 2020
- FY-Eye September 2020
- Fy-Eye August 2020
- 2019- 2020 Annual Meeting Award Recipients
- Fy-Eye July 2020
- Fy-Eye June 2020
- COVID -19 Vision Resources
- Fy-Eye May 2020
- Flattening the InAccessibility Curve
- Fy-Eye March 2020
- Fy-Eye February 2020
- Fy-Eye January 2020
- Fy-Eye December 2019
- Fy-Eye November 2019
- Milwaukee Capital to Receive 2019 Community Partner Award
- Fy-Eye October 2019
- Fy-Eye September 2019
- Fy-Eye August 2019
- Fy-Eye July 2019
- Fy-Eye June 2019
- Introducing Ellie! Prevent Blindness Wisconsin’s 2019 Preschool Vision Screening Ambassador
- Fy-Eye May 2019
- Award Winners Announced at the 60th Annual Meeting of the Board
- Fy-Eye April 2019
- Fy-Eye March 2019
- Fy-Eye February 2019
- Fy-Eye January 2019
- Fy-Eye December 2018
- Fy-Eye November 2018
- FY 2019 Spending Law Includes Funding for Vision and Eye Health
- Fy-Eye September 2018
- Prevent Blindness Wisconsin Elects Four New Board Members
- Fy-Eye August 2018
- June Press Release
- Eyes on Capitol Hill
- Fy-Eye July 2018
- Fy-Eye, June 2018
- Introducing Lizzy! Prevent Blindness Wisconsin’s 2018 Preschool Ambassador
- CBS News – Growing Number of Children Becoming Nearsighted, Screen Time Could be to Blame
- May Press Release
- April Press Release
- March Press Release
- February Press Release
- January Press Release
- Fy-Eye May 2018
- 2018: Prevent Blindness Appoints Paulette Tattersall as the Director of Northeast Region
- Call for Nominations for the 2018 Bonnie Strickland Champion for Children’s Vision Award
- Fy-Eye March 2018
- Fy-Eye February 2018
- Seventh Annual Focus on Eye Health National Summit
- Prevent Blindness Receives Grant from Nationwide Foundation
- Fy-Eye April 2018
- Kira Baldonado Appointed Vice President of Public Health and Policy
- Non-Profit Group Seeks to Educate Women on Ways to Protect Healthy Vision
- Putting Focus on Special Visual Needs of Women
- Prevent Blindness Applauds Congress for Increasing FY18 Investments to CDC’s Vision Health Programs
- Kuhlman Corporation and Tim Goligoski honored at the 2018 People of Vision Award Dinner Program
- AK Steel and Roger Newport honored at the 2018 People of Vision Award Dinner
- 7th Annual Tea to See Sponsored by National Vision, Inc. and Reed Smith LLP
- See Now
- State Auto Mutual Insurance Company & Mike LaRocco Honored at POV
- Prevent Blindness Appoints Jeff Todd as New President and Chief Executive Officer
- Torrey DeKeyser Elected as Chairperson of the Prevent Blindness Board of Directors
- March is Workplace Eye Wellness Month from Prevent Blindness
- 2018 Jenny Pomeroy Award for Excellence in Vision and Public Health
- Keeping Your Eyes Healthy at Work
- Hall of Fame Sports Writer to Speak at 2018 POV Award Luncheon
- #WhyEyeFight
- Bausch + Lomb and Prevent Blindness Encourage People to Fight for Their Sight During AMD Awareness Month
- February is AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month
- Prevent Blindness Urges Congress to Extend the Children’s Health Insurance Program
- PBO Receives $7,500 Grant From Roush Memorial Fund
- Prevent Blindness Receives $5,000 Grant from the Ginn Foundation
- Prevent Blindness Receives Grant from the Frank M. Tait Foundation
- PNC Foundation Awards Grant to Prevent Blindness
- Cases of Glaucoma, the “Sneak Thief of Sight,” Projected to Increase
- Free Information Available to the Public for Glaucoma Awareness Month
- FirstEnergy Foundation “12 Gifts of The Season” Holiday Campaign
- Virginia Kettering Grants PBO $12,000
- PBO Receives $6,000 Grant From Andrew Jergens
- Female Fellowship Applications 2018
- Chinese Lantern Festival
- Prevent Blindness Urges HHS to Protect Patient Access to Vision Care
- Smart Business Honored at the 2017 People of Vision Award Dinner
- Prevent Blindness Provides Tips on Best Ways to Keep Holidays Safe
- More than a Quarter Million Americans Treated in ER for Toy-related Injuries
- Kathy McGinnis Recipient of the Louisa Lee Schuyler Award
- Prevent Blindness Elects Two Members to National Board of Directors
- Those with Diabetes at Higher Risk for Vision Loss, But Steps Can Be Taken to Save Sight
- Those with Diabetes at Higher Risk for Vision Loss
- Those With Diabetes Can Take Steps to Save Their Sight
- 2017: Children’s Vision Massachusetts organized Children’s Vision Advocacy Day at the State House
- Congressional Vision Caucus Co-Founder Pat Tiberi to Leave Congress
- The Dangers of Wearing Cosmetic Contact Lenses
- Campaign Helps Fund Vision Screening Trainings in 25 Head Start Programs Nationwide
- Prevent Blindness Northern California Launches New Campaign
- More than 80 Percent of Contact Lens Wearers Are At Risk for an Eye Infection from Unsafe Use
- More than 80 Percent of Contact Lens Wearers Are At Risk for an Eye Infection from Unsafe Use
- Water and Pool Activities Remain the Cause of Most Sports-related Eye Injuries
- Ohio House of Representatives Makes Eyeglasses More Accessible
- 2017 Sports Eye Safety Awareness Month
- Prevent Blindness Opposes Graham-Cassidy Bill
- 2018 Jenny Pomeroy Award – Call for Nominations
- North Coast Community Partner Award
- Sue Downes of MyEyeDr. to Receive 2018 Person of Vision Award
- National Falls Prevention Awareness Day on Sept. 22
- Eagles Charitable Foundation Hosts 7th Annual Professional Development Meeting for Philadelphia School Nurses
- Toledo Volunteers Trained at Adult Vision Screening
- Perusek Chosen for Vision Fellowship
- Local Resident Chosen for Fellowship
- Lebanon Vision Screening Training
- Barberton High School host Vision Screening
- Leave Fireworks to the Professionals
- Water and Pool Activities Remain the Cause of Most Sports-related Eye Injuries
- Prevent Blindness Trains Volunteers
- Protect Your Eyes During Upcoming Solar Eclipse
- 2017 Bonnie Strickland Champion for Children’s Vision Award
- 2017 Children’s Eye and Safety Month
- Senate Votes to Open Debate on ACA Repeal
- Detecting and Treating Eye Problems Early Can Help Kids in the Classroom
- Detecting and Treating Eye Problems Early Can Help Kids in the Classroom
- Prevent Blindness Receives $4,000 Grant
- Research Fellowships Awards 2017
- Protect Your Eyes During Upcoming Solar Eclipse
- 2017: Erin DeSanto Once Again Heads to Washington to Advocate for Support for Programs, Research to Save Sight
- Dry Eye Awareness Month Congressional Briefing
- 2017 Eyes on Capitol Hill
- Ohio Residents Head to Washington Advocate for Support for Programs
- Prevent Blindness Warns Ohioans About the Dangers of Backyard Fireworks
- Prevent Blindness Works to Educate the Public on Dangers of Consumer Fireworks
- Coalition Letter to the U.S. Senate Supports Children’s Vision
- Fourteenth Annual Joanne Angle Investigator Award
- Introducing Addisyn! Prevent Blindness Wisconsin’s 2017 Preschool Ambassador!
- Prevent Blindness Makes Recommendations for Health Care Bill
- Cataract Remains Leading Global Cause of Blindness
- Vision To Learn Kicks Off in Des Moines to Improve Student Learning
- 2017 Jenny Pomeroy Award for Excellence in Vision and Public Health
- Congressional Vision Caucus Co-Founder Announces Retirement from Congress
- Contact Your Member of Congress to Support Essential Health Care Benefits
- ThinOPTICS Teams with Prevent Blindness to Educate the Public on Eye Health
- Protecting Eyes from UV Rays Today Can Help Save Sight
- Protecting Eyes from UV Rays Can Save Your Sight
- St. Luke’s Hospital honored at the 2017 People of Vision Award Dinner
- 500 Cities Initiative: Vision and Eye Health Community Responds to Lack of Vision Data
- “Bonnie Strickland Champion for Children’s Vision Award” Call for Nominations
- Person of Vision
- 2017 Focus On Eye Health National Summit
- More Women than Men Have Eye Disease
- Prevent Blindness Urges Secretary Price to Prioritize Eye and Vision Health
- Prevent Blindness and Allergan Promote Healthy Vision
- Prevent Blindness Elects Five New Members to National Board of Directors
- 2017 Northwest People of Vision Award Dinner
- Protect Your Vision on the Job
- Workplace Safety Month 2017
- Protect Your Vision on the Job
- Building Stronger Systems for Better Children’s Vision Care
- Tickets for 2017 Person of Vision Event Sold Out
- Cincinnati 2017 People of Vision Award Dinner
- Prevent Blindness Texas Declares February as AMD/Low Vision Awareness Month
- Columbus POV Release 2017
- Bausch + Lomb and Prevent Blindness Urge Americans to Fight for Their Sight
- AMD Awareness Month
- See Now Press Release
- 2017 Miami Valley of Ohio People of Vision Award Dinner
- Help Improve Vision for Millions of Americans
- Help Improve Vision for Millions of Americans
- Investigator Award Call for Applications
- Glaucoma Projected to Increase Significantly Due To Aging U.S. Population
- Glaucoma Projected to Increase Significantly Due To Aging U.S. Population
- NEOH People of Vision Award Dinner
- Call for Nominations for Fourth Annual Jenny Pomeroy Award
- PBO is Accepting Female Fellowship Applications
- Safe Toys and Gift Month
- Prevent Blindness Urges President-Elect to Consider the Impact of Vision Problems
- Diabetic Retinopathy Numbers Expected to Increase Significantly
- More than 251,000 Toy-related Injuries Treated in U.S. Emergency Departments
- Marge Axelrad to Receive Person of Vision Award
- Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month
- Your Child’s Sight
- Prevent Blindness Elects New Board Members
- Cosmetic Contact Press Release
- Prevent Blindness and Liberty Sport Announce New Performance Vision Center Award
- Diabetic Retinopathy Numbers Expected to Increase Significantly
- Diabetic Retinopathy Numbers Expected to Increase Significantly
- Miami Valley Ohio Chapter/ CareSource Grant
- Prevent Blindness is awarded an $2,700 Grant
- One Quarter of Contact Lens-related Eye Infections Due to Improper Use, Modifiable Factors
- One Quarter of Contact Lens-Related Eye Infections Due to Improper Use, Modifiable Factors
- Prevent Blindness Holds Ninth Annual Swing Fore Sight Golf Tournament at Vision Expo West
- Contact Lens King Inc. Supports Children’s Vision
- One Quarter of Contact Lens-related Eye Infections Due to Improper Use, Modifiable Factors
- The Focus Initiative
- Falls Awareness Day Sept. 22
- New Report Outlines National Strategy for Vision and Eye Health
- 2016: Children’s Vision Massachusetts Coalition to Hold Summit to Help Address Children’s Eye Health Issues and Discuss Vision’s Impact on Learning
- Sports Eye Safety Awareness Month
- Most Sports-Related Eye Injuries are from Water and Pool Activities
- Most Sports-related Eye Injuries are From Water and Pool Activities
- Zika Virus Disease Fact Sheet
- Most Sports-related Eye Injuries are From Water and Pool Activities
- Second Annual Bonnie Strickland Champion for Children’s Vision Award
- Put Children on the Path to a Successful School Year with a Complete Eye Exam
- 2016: Members of CVMA Coalition and Prevent Blindness as Advocates at Capitol Hill, Washington, DC
- 2016: Bruce Moore, OD, Receives Jenny Pomeroy Award in Washington DC
- Ohio Advocates Attend the 11th Annual “Eyes on Capitol Hill” Event
- Put Children on the Path to a Successful School Year
- Parents Can Help Start a Successful School Year With Healthy Vision for Kids
- 2016: CVMA Receives Massachusetts Nonprofit Network Excellence Award
- Put Children on the Path to a Successful School Year
- PBO Selected to Participate in Pilot Program
- Prevent Blindness Announces the Focus Initiative
- Eyes on Capitol Hill
- Fireworks Safety News Release
- 2016: Melrose Resident Heads to Washington to Advocate for Support for Programs, Research to Save Sight
- Celebrate Independence Day Safely
- 11th Annual Eyes on Capitol Hill Event
- Female Fellowship Program
- Stark Community Foundation
- Thirteenth Annual Investigator Award Announced
- WARNING: Backyard Fireworks are Dangerous!
- Celebrate Independence Day Safely
- 2016: Legislative Briefing
- Age-related Macular Degeneration Awareness Month