Prevent Blindness Wisconsin is pleased to announce our 2022-2023 Annual Meeting award recipients in support of healthy vision for all Wisconsinites.
20/20 Service Award
Racine Community Foundation
Since 2007, the Racine Community Foundation has proven an essential partner in Prevent Blindness Wisconsin’s sight-saving work. By providing generous grant funding to support preventative vision health services in Racine County, the Foundation has had an incredible impact on the lives of both children and adults.
Through the Foundation’s unwavering support and encouragement, the creation of community partnerships has guided the development of new vision health programs and follow-up approaches to support families as they navigate the vison health programs. Thus, the initial preschool vision screening program that served approximately 700 children annually has grown into a thriving, county-wide preventative vison health program serving more than 6,000 children and adults each year.
Racine County has become an invaluable testing ground for piloting new programs, analyzing their impact, and ensuring their success and scalability. As a result, programs, vision health materials and resources, and strategies developed through the support of the Racine Community Foundation have been implemented state-wide to help families access vision care for their children. Prevent Blindness Wisconsin is honored to recognize the dedication of the Racine Community Foundation and extend gratitude on behalf of the many Wisconsinites who can see the future clearly because of the Foundation’s incredible support.