
Prevent Blindness Urges President-Elect to Consider the Impact of Vision Problems

Prevent Blindness sends a letter to President-Elect Donald J. Trump

Last week, Prevent Blindness sent a letter to President-Elect Donald J. Trump and his transition team urging them to consider the growing impact of vision problems on our nation’s health and economy. Vision problems currently cost our nation $145 billion annually and are projected to rise to over $700 billion over the coming decades, absent significant action.

impact of vision problems and spending

The letter, signed by Prevent Blindness leadership (Hugh Parry, President & CEO; Richard Sanchez, Board Chair; and Torrey DeKeyser, Government Affairs Committee Chair) also offered the organization’s assistance and partnership to the Trump Administration and the incoming Congress as they consider opportunities to address these problems.


Letter from Prevent Blindness to President-Elect and Transition Team
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