Santiago’s Story





4-year old Santiago is enjoying reading now that he can see more clearly.

Santiago received a Certified Vision Screening from Prevent Blindness Wisconsin volunteers, and when he did not pass his screening, Santiago’s mom took him to the eye doctor.  There he received his first pair of glasses to help correct his vision.  Says mom Kristina, “We were surprised that Santiago needed glasses…[but since he received them] his vision has improved from 20/80 to 20/40. He no longer needs to hold a book up to his face to read it and can see small details in pictures now.”

Santiago thinks he looks cool in his new glasses. He has even started a “George Harrison glasses club” with his friends who wear glasses. “George”, says mom Kristina, “is Santiago’s favorite Beatle.”

Kristina felt it was especially important that Santiago get his glasses near the beginning of his 4k school year. 80 percent of learning is visual, so children with undiagnosed vision problems can struggle in school. Kristina is very grateful that Santiago received a vision screening from Prevent Blindness Wisconsin. “Thank you guys for doing this! Since getting his glasses in late September, he has done very well with wearing them.”