Certified Vision Screening Training Dates & Locations

Prevent Blindness Wisconsin’s Children and Adult Vision Screening Trainings are designed to aid public health professionals, school nurses, pediatric/family practitioner staff, clinic staff, and volunteers to conduct sound vision screening programs throughout the community.

The training(s) will include:

  • Vision Screening Procedures
  • Referral Criteria – established by Prevent Blindness and the National Center for Children’s Vision and Eye Health – the nation’s leading authority on vision screening
  • Information about common vision problems seen in children and/or adults
  • A training manual and handouts

By participating in the training, you will become certified by Prevent Blindness Wisconsin in children and/or adult vision screening for a three-year period. If you have not been trained or recertified in the last three years, you should attend.

Upcoming Certified Vision Screener Training:

Prevent Blindness Wisconsin’s Vision Screening Training Video is now live! The training video will be a self-paced training course offered completely online. To seek full certification, after completing all specified modules in the training course, you are required to schedule a skills check with a PBW staff member. Instructions to schedule your skills check are specified in the training video.

To access the CVS Training video, please Click Here to register.

Live, virtual trainings will be offered on an every other month basis in 2023.

LIVE (via zoom) WEB BASED: Children’s Vision Screener Training: Chart, SPOT, and Plus-Optix:


Certified Adult Vision Screener Training:

Web-Based: Online Adult Vision Screener Training: Click Here